Sunday, August 9, 2009

CAC Summer Camp

Today I swam at the pool at c.a.c summer camp and had to do a very "unbeing frozen in a baby pool full of ice". translation actually yes I was being frozen in a baby pool full of ice. but I'm getting far ahead of myself! let me start at the
beginning! OK! so I woke up and!..... wait a minute this is getting borrrrring! fast forward fkjhftgrrsmkebjhbjfbhrjktbh4urvb kjh OK were done fast forwarding! so here I am at the pool and my teacher is picking teams. so a lot of kids go on the obsticle course and then it's my turn! so I go on the slippery mats and slide into the pool then I climb into the inner tube and the helpers pulled me and the other person across
the pool then we ran across mats and then jumped this is the part I don't like we had to sing the abcs while sitting in a baby pool full of ice! next we used the life Guard tube to swim across again. then we had to climb across a rope
and drop down at the end of it. then we put on life jackets and dove of the low board [you couldn't dive of the high board because of the rope ] so I'm signing off I hope you have a great summer your pal owen

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Thursday, July 17, 2008


I went swimming this summer and played tennis. It was a lot of fun! In tennis I got three glass pyramids because I earned them! I like my tennis coach because he's really a great teacher. In swimming I learned a stroke really well and now I'm able to do it really well. I can swim in the deep end now! More later!

Party Time!

Hi everybody! It's time for my next blog. This picture was the day of my birthday party. We had lots of fun - there was games like Twister, Connect Four and there was a disco ball and lots more. I wanted a disco party, so we had lots of stuff from 1970's. On Twister I said "this is too easy!" My birthday cake was humongous - titanic! It had a really weird picture of me in a disco suit dancing! I had sparklers all around my cake - it was cool!

Friday, May 16, 2008

Ras al Sudr - the Big Pool

This starts another exciting episode of my journies in Egypt!
This time I'm at a big pool in Ras al Sudr, and there's
a really big water slide and I'm having fun and
going down a really big water slide - the ladder to
get to it is really high and if use a mat you go down super super fast! I must have gone down like a hundred times! I had short breaks to eat fruit and then went right back to the water slide - it was awesome! Jakey didn't do it because he was scared, but I wasn't!