Monday, January 7, 2008

The Neverending Christmas

Hello everybody! For Christmas I got lots of stuff. Jake got a Nintendo DS and I got a Wii. Well, we both got a Wii, but I really really like it! I can play bowling and tennis and boxing and I beat Mum and Dad all the time!! Christmas is really fun here because it starts with the Eid - that's a holiday for Muslim people, and we got off school just as it started and Mum and Dad got off work for 3 days! Then there's Christmas and New Year's, then there's Coptic Christmas, which is today! Coptic Christmas is for Eastern people who celebrate Christmas, but they still get presents and I even got presents today! I really like having two Christmases! It's nice here because everyone says Merry Christmas to you even if they don't celebrate Christmas and I'm learning to say things in Arabic like "marhaba" which means "hi" and "shokron" which means "thank-you".


Grandad said...

Wow Owen, what a nice photograph of you and BOTH of your brothers in front of the Christmas tree.

I am so glad to hear that you boys were so good last year that Santa brought some really fun games and toys to your house at Christmas time.

The Wii game sounds like a lot of fun. Playing all of those games and being able to beat Mummy and Daddsy sometines must be fun for you. Grandad will have to check to see what other cartridges are available for Wii that you and Jacob would enjoy. Perhaps we could get you one for your birthday.
I look forward to the time when I can play Wii with the both of you. Do you think tha t you would be able to beat me too?I bet that you are so good at those games now that you probably could easily beat grandad.
I miss you all. Talk to you soon.

Love to all,

Grandad oxoxoxoxoxoxo

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Wow Owen, you got a lot of presents. I have a Wii too. It has a lot of cool games. Hope you have fun. Sincerly, Navid